Thursday 26 January 2012

Research component and plan basic operation

Week 1
Title of the project:  Research component and plan basic operation
Objective: To know the main component and connection of the circuit
Content/Procedure: Analyze the suitable component use in the circuit
Make sure which type of circuit must have to run the project. Based on the research, it will have combination of the circuit and come out with:
1. PIC circuit
2. Heater
3. DC motor
4. Power supply
Description of the circuit

1.    PIC circuit is the main controller of the function of circuit such as the movement of DC motor, button for set up, heat sensor and lamp as heater and it will display some information and condition of sensor at liquid crystal display (LCD).

2.    Heater circuit is use to maintain the temperature during mixing operation in drum. If the sensor detect decreasing of temperature, lamp will switch on until maintain temperature need.

3.    DC motor circuit is use to interfacing circuit from pic circuit and dc motor. IT will rotate the waste based on the time setting and have a rod and blades which operate to mixing waste with EM (Effective Microorganism).By theoretically; dc motor cannot be joining directly with pic circuit.  Therefore it must have some medium that must be used to joint this both item to operate the movement of dc motor.

4.    Power supply circuit is use to transmitted current flow and makes deviation current to operate the circuit. For example DC motor circuit requires 12 V and for PIC circuit, it required 5V only. Both of this circuit use the different value of voltage and this power supply circuit is come out to give the supply.

This circuit is in the design of circuit development. It very important to know and classified the type and the function of all this circuit to make sure in future, there is no problem encounter in the part combination all the circuit with programming development. Based on project, circuit use is PIC, motor and heater. All of circuit will make some combination to make it work properly and get the output as state in the objective. So, it should have some analyze between this circuits to make sure no problem during the system operation.
There is the important part to design the actual circuit of Agriculture Waste into Organic Fertilizer machine. Circuit should have some combination process and it will work according step by step.  So, the main part must follow the input and output of the PIC