
Agriculture plays an important role in economy of a country. Advancements in technology have brought various changes to the agriculture and nowadays, agriculture is more dependent on technology.Moreover ,due to increasing cost of fertilizer,there need to introduce methods in the agricultural sector as well for the purpose of using the organic waste transform to fertilizer. 

Organic waste is a major component of solid waste. Most originates from household waste but commercial,institution and industrial waste can also contain significant proportions of organic waste example market waste. Organic waste can be processed in the presence of oxygen by composting by mixing oxygen+ bacteria+heat.

This project demonstrates an Agriculture Waste Into Organic fertilizer Machine system to produce fertilizer. By using this automation machine system the pollution from organic waste can be reduced. On the other hand,it can be used to helping farmer saving their cost for plant. This prototype can be scaled for practical use for agriculture form. The picture show the rotation to save the environment.

                                                   2.1 Rotation of agriculture