Tuesday 14 February 2012

Study programming of PIC

Week 4

Title of the project: Study programming of PIC 
Objective: Make the PIC operate

Study pin i/p and o/p

Define port:    A (sensor/heater)
                        B (LCD display)
                        C (Switch)
                        D (DC motor)

Program language:
                                                LIST P=16F877a
                                                ERRORLEVEL       -302
                                                ERRORLEVEL       -305
                                                #INCLUDE <P16F877a.INC>
                                                __CONFIG          0X3F32

;========================MACRO ==================================
BANK0                  MACRO                                ;CHANGE TO BANK 0
                                BCF                        STATUS,RP0                                                                      
                                BCF                        STATUS,RP1
BANK1                  MACRO                                ;CHANGE TO BANK 1
                                BSF                         STATUS,RP0
                                BCF                        STATUS,RP1
BANK2                  MACRO                                ;CHANGE TO BANK 2
                                BCF                        STATUS,RP0
                                BSF                         STATUS,RP1

BANK3                  MACRO                                ;CHANGE TO BANK 3
                                BSF                         STATUS,RP0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                BSF                         STATUS,RP1
CLOCK_E              MACRO                                                                                ;'E' RISE UP N FALL DOWN
                                BSF                         PORTD,07
                                CALL      t1m
                                BCF                        PORTD,07
                                CALL      t1m
;========== VARIABLE ===========================================
;DATA MEMORY ADDRESS =        20h - 7Fh (BANK0)
;                                                         A0h - EFh (BANK1)
;                                                               110h - 16Fh (BANK2)
;                                                               190h - 1EFh         (BANK3)
;========== RESET VECTOR =======================================
ORG                       00
RESET                    GOTO    INIT
;========== INTERRUPT VECTOR ===================================
ORG                       04          
INT                         GOTO    INIT
;========== INITIALIAZATION ====================================
ORG                       05
BANK0                               CLRF         PORTA
                                                CLRF      PORTB
                                                CLRF      PORTC
                                                CLRF      PORTD
                                                CLRF      PORTE  

BANK1                               movlw     b'00000101'                         ;PORTA analog input;right justifide;RA3 Vref
                                                movwf  ADCON1
                                                movlw  b'00011111'
                                                movwf  TRISA                                    ;PORTA AS INPUT/OUTPUT
                                                clrf          TRISB                                     ;PORTB AS OUTPUT
                                                movlw  b'10111111'
                                                movwf  TRISC                                     ;PORTC AS INPUT
                                                movlw  b'00000000'
                                                movwf  TRISD                                    ;PORTD AS INPUT/OUTPUT
                                                movlw  b'00000000'
                                                movwf  TRISE                                     ;PORTE AS OUTPUT
Mulain                               CLRF         PORTB
                                                clrf          PORTD

;=============== MAIN PROGRAM START HERE========================

To write a program, student should know the language of the software used and the expectation of circuit operation. In this work, before writing a program it should be define the step operation at input and output PIC. By referring data sheet PIC16F877A and ASM software, student can plan what are step need such as time setting, input sensor, push button and LCD display. It must be properly step setting because PIC cannot read if the wrong instruction given also the operation may be interrupt. In this case, student already done some adjusted of the program because PIC cannot run as expected. So, the program should be modified until it can run as step planning. After complete writing program, it should be compile to check where the wrong of language and if have no problem, it show the program successfully build.

Writing the programming is the important part in PIC because it functions as heart to giving instruction of circuit operation. So, all the instruction must be properly write depend on step and transmit at pins which make it operate. 

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