Monday 27 February 2012

Run the programming of PIC

Week 5

Title of the project:  Run the programming of PIC
Objective: Record function of circuit
-Check the connection of component
-Burn the program into PIC

Start run program

Setting the voltage reference and LM35

Check push button (increase and decrease)

SP=Set point

Time setting

Circuit Motor

Heater (Led show output to heater circuit)

In proteus, after construct the circuit, program writing will be burn into PIC. Before that, program should be compiling to make sure have no error, if still have an error; program cannot be burn and need some modification. In this case, software will show at which line has a problem, so it make easy to do some correction. If program already complete, circuit can be operate based on the step planning in program such as display name, rotation motor, time setting and input at the sensor(LM53).  

Based on this work, assemble language play as important part to make the PIC function. Instruction giving refers step planning of circuit operation. It must be related for each circuit because when PIC start operates, each circuit will do their own operation. 

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