Saturday 7 April 2012

Run the project

Week 10

Title of the project: Run the project

Objective: Record the data (Input and Output)


Motor rotate

Lamp heater

Push button

LCD display


Based on the picture, it shows the operation of circuit process. When switch on supply, it show name’s, SP (set point), AC (actual temperature) and αT (time).Set point is the temperature reference and it related with sensor LM35,so if the sensor have a changes it automatically update at LCD screen and if value are below SP ,the circuit heater will switch on to giving heat to make stable condition. Also, push button used to set the increasing or decreasing temperature at set point and time operation. Beside sensor, already locate variable transistor because function as calibrate or voltage reference for circuit. For example, to get the accurate reading of temperature, circuit should set the actual temperature base on the environment. Sensor will be read the actual temperature base on the calibrate setting. DC motor function based on time setting, where doing process of mixing compose material. It not directly rotates because programming’s setting run and stop during operation.


Circuit operation is the most important to make sure the objective of project achieve. In this work, every circuit already tested and recorded the step operation. On this work, the main part is PIC16F877A because it plays as a heart to control overall operation. So, these circuits already function as expected. 

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