Saturday, 21 April 2012

Preparation for FYP presentation

Week 14

Title of the project: Preparation for FYP presentation

Objective: Present the Final Year Project


  • ·         Make sure project function.
  • ·         Study all technical and theoretical of project.


Based on this project, student should know what are learning during doing this project. It including the technical and theoretical of component used and the flowing of work around 2 semesters. Hence, student needs to explain all of question by judges.


Finally, student should present all of work done to judges. The objective to show what are student had learn around 1 year doing research of project.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Design the poster

Week 13

Title of the project: Design the poster

Objective: To design a poster about project description to make publish for audience and judges


·         Project description
·         Objective of project
·         Blog diagram
·         Methodology
·         Result
·         Conclusion

Explanation of Project description

Advancement in technology has brought various development in agriculture industry. This project aims to demonstrate an agriculture waste into organic fertilizer machine for plants by using raw materials. This scheme proposes the mechanical and computerized system to process waste disposal into fertilizer that useful for plants. This will help the agricultural people to recycle the organic waste efficiently.

Objective of project

q  To develop a machine that composes of agriculture waste into    organic fertilizer through the combination of software and hardware.
q  To demonstrate the automation system of the machine that effectively transforms the waste into useful fertilizer.
q  To evaluate the functionality of the machine this can help to save the environment by recycling the organic waste for agricultural application.

Design block diagram

Methodology of project

Record result and analysis

Poster design


Poster is a medium to publish the idea make a project. Student should state all of information such as description, objective, blog diagram, methodology, result and conclusion. During presentation, student should explain the overall of project function depend on project develop, also to show the objective achieve and learn from project. Hence, by complete this project it help student gain the knowledge.


After complete this work, student have to state all of project information and publish to audience to make them understanding what are project develop for. In the technical side, student knows what the outputs of project produce are.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Design the hard ware

Week 12

Title of the project: Design the hard ware

Objective: Construct the prototype


  • ·         Measure the circuit size
  • ·         Locate at the suitable place of circuit and lamp
  • ·         Design blade at motor to mixing raw material


From the picture, it is a design of the fertilizer machine. In observation, the exiting design product is good and commonly used in industry but in the big scale. For this project, it has been rescale become compact machine, that why it can be used in small industry such as for housewife and the people who are have small garden. Basically, the hardware is same but propose is difference.


To made new design, designer should note all aspect such as the material used, costing, sizing, item endurance and also their usage. If miss some of part, the design will not completely useful also will take time to develop the new design.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Compile/get the result

Week 11

Title of the activity:  Compile/get the result


  • To obtain this project working based on expected
  • To ensure the project is follow the main objective of this project or not


  • Understand the main objective
  • Get the result based on objective

Objective of project

·         To develop a machine that composes of agriculture waste into    organic fertilizer through the combination of software and hardware.
·         To demonstrate the automation system of the machine that effectively transforms the waste into useful fertilizer.
·         To evaluate the functionality of the machine this can help to save the environment by recycling the organic waste for agricultural application.


Based on project, result is taken by rotation motor and time setting. Then, lamp or heater circuit should detect the actual temperature refer to set point. For example, set point of temperature set is 35°c, if temperature detect below than this value, lamp will switch on to produce heat in drum. Also if temperature over for set point, lamp will switch off mean temperature in drum already achieve the set point temperature. Below are the classifications of heat condition
·         0%- lamp ON in turbo condition (100%)
·         50%-lamp ON (50%) and OFF (50%)
·         100%-lamp OFF (100%)

    Relation between set point and actual temperature

   As a conclusion, the main objective of this project is achieved when proved by taken the result of this project.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Run the project

Week 10

Title of the project: Run the project

Objective: Record the data (Input and Output)


Motor rotate

Lamp heater

Push button

LCD display


Based on the picture, it shows the operation of circuit process. When switch on supply, it show name’s, SP (set point), AC (actual temperature) and αT (time).Set point is the temperature reference and it related with sensor LM35,so if the sensor have a changes it automatically update at LCD screen and if value are below SP ,the circuit heater will switch on to giving heat to make stable condition. Also, push button used to set the increasing or decreasing temperature at set point and time operation. Beside sensor, already locate variable transistor because function as calibrate or voltage reference for circuit. For example, to get the accurate reading of temperature, circuit should set the actual temperature base on the environment. Sensor will be read the actual temperature base on the calibrate setting. DC motor function based on time setting, where doing process of mixing compose material. It not directly rotates because programming’s setting run and stop during operation.


Circuit operation is the most important to make sure the objective of project achieve. In this work, every circuit already tested and recorded the step operation. On this work, the main part is PIC16F877A because it plays as a heart to control overall operation. So, these circuits already function as expected. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Construct and soldering component

Week 8
Title of the project:  Construct and soldering component
Objective: Build the actual circuit

PIC circuit

Heater circuit

While doing this circuit, the important thing that must take note is the actual design of component. If the design has a problem of size component, it cannot be match into circuit. From the picture, component can be locating at circuit and have jumper to another circuit. The jumper used to connect the input and output of PIC such as the variable resistor, sensor LM35 and heater circuit. Also, at input terminal (supply) have a connection to give main supply at the circuit.   

In this work, the difficulty are face when need to locate component. Student should careful to do soldering process because some component have high sensitivity which can burn and cooper will broke if applying high temperature by solder. So, all work must be careful and make sure component still in good condition.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Construct circuit board

Week 7
Title of the project:  Construct circuit board
Objective: Etching process
1)    Print the design on transparent paper/stick paper 

2)    Stick the design on PCB board

         3) Etching process

                   4) After etching process

First step of etching is stick the design at PCB board and it should paste all of the carbon because it the way of current flow between component. Next, by using etching liquid the process is to erodible the cooper layer until left only copper line at circuit. Then, clean up circuit layer until look shiny and start process of drill a hole of pin component.

Etching process is important to make sure all connection will connect between components. So, after this process it should be testing to check the connection of circuit in good condition.