Tuesday 20 March 2012

Construct and soldering component

Week 8
Title of the project:  Construct and soldering component
Objective: Build the actual circuit

PIC circuit

Heater circuit

While doing this circuit, the important thing that must take note is the actual design of component. If the design has a problem of size component, it cannot be match into circuit. From the picture, component can be locating at circuit and have jumper to another circuit. The jumper used to connect the input and output of PIC such as the variable resistor, sensor LM35 and heater circuit. Also, at input terminal (supply) have a connection to give main supply at the circuit.   

In this work, the difficulty are face when need to locate component. Student should careful to do soldering process because some component have high sensitivity which can burn and cooper will broke if applying high temperature by solder. So, all work must be careful and make sure component still in good condition.

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